AITZ Glass Sealer Inspection Vision System | (주)에이티엠

AITZ Glass Sealer Inspection Vision System

AITZ Glass Sealer Inspection Vision System

AITZ Glass Sealer Inspection Vision System combines AITZ LS and AITZ Vision software developed by ATM.
A vision solution that provides 3D profiling using AITZLS and is applied to the glass-mounted adhesive sealer application process in the vehicle assembly plant.
Through 3D profiling, the width, height, breakage, and unapplication of the application sealer can be


- Laser scanning improves detection rate of defective conditions, such as broken and unapplied
- Normal measurement without interference from some disturbances and external lighting


Customizable for various processes such as height, slope, gap, and shape measurement Allows object identification in dark spaces and minimizes color impact

AITZ Vision Software

- Our algorithm-based programs
- Convenient User-Interface
- Optimize connectivity through I/O and communication
Measure the width and height of the sealer accurately to detect a defective sealer seating condition due to poor discharge volume/td>
Detection of defective conditions such as unapplied sealer due to poor discharge of sealer

Configuration diagram
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